When The Well Is Dry We Will Know The Worth Of Water

We are so excited to announce our newest item: The Mug! We are firm believers that manifesting good attitudes in the morning sets the precedent for the whole day. This mug is a perfect way to get the day started on a nice note.

There are approximately 663 million people on the planet who don’t have access to clean water (UNICEF). That’s twice the amount of people living in the US alone. It is simple, everybody needs clean water to live a quality life. Individuals who do not have access to clean water must make significant sacrifices in other areas of life that should not be negotiated. For example, if a family spends hours every day walking to collect water, the children are not able to attend school and the parents are not able to work to support the family. In addition, the water they are able to collect may be contaminated with disease and other unsafe bacteria. Our mugs are a symbol of the gratitude we have for access to clean water all the time. Thanks to these mugs, we are afforded the opportunity to help those who do not have access to safe water.

Charity: Water is an international organization that works to bring clean drinking water to people in developing countries via well installations. They work with local communities and water installation partners to select appropriate technologies based on the physical and cultural factors of a community. Over a time span of about 21 months, the community gets a solid education on safe hygiene practices, organizes a water committee to manage the well, and installs the actual well. After this process, a plan is set to ensure the sustainability of the well via timely evaluations.


"When the well is dry we will know the worth of water." - Benjamin Franklin

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