We get the same butterflies in our stomach each time we are afforded the opportunity to select a new organization to support. We are so grateful for the platform we have been given to donate to these amazing organizations. Over November and December 2016, we were able to raise money for an international non-profit called International Justice Mission, which saves individuals trapped in modern day slavery. It was an experience that was truly humbling. However, we feel it is time to bring it back home for a while.
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) is a postnatal drug withdrawal syndrome that occurs primarily among opioids-exposed infants shortly after birth. In 2013, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that more than 33 babies per every 1,000 births in West
Virginia will be a child with NAS. The study showed that West Virginia had the most NAS incidences by far compared to other states.
Lily's Place is a non-profit organization located in Huntington, WV that provides short-term medical care to infants suffering from prenatal drug exposure and offers non-judgmental support, education and counseling to families. Lily’s Place is the first residential infant recovery center that also provides help and services for families.
With the epidemic of drug addiction in our nation exploding, Lily’s Place serves the tiniest victims of substance abuse, newborn babies. They use proven therapeutic handling methods and the very latest weaning techniques. Lily’s Place eases drug-exposed babies from their mother’s drugs and gives them the best possible care available.
I Love Nice People is extremely proud to announce that we will be donating profits made from the selling of ILNP merchandise to Lily’s Place from January 2017 to June 2017.